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Friday, September 27, 2024

2015 Darpan Awards - Winners And Entertainment

29 Sep, 2015
Friday, September 18th, DARPAN Magazine, hosted its 6th Annual Extraordinary Achievement Awards in the company of esteemed social, business and political elites.
This spectacular red-carpet event took place at Aria Banquet Hall & Convention Centre in Surrey. With over 700 guests in attendance, this black-tie affair commenced at 6.30 p.m. in the backdrop of glamour and grandeur.
Among these, 10 South Asians identified as leaders, who embody the spirit of community and give back to greater Canadian society, were honoured with the prestigious Darpan Extraordinary Achievement Award. These recipients were:
Young Wonder - Aishwarya Roshan
Artistic Visionary - Cassius Khan
Industry Marvel - Wally Oppal
Advancing Philanthropy - Mamta Foundation
Community Crusader - Rob Rai
Corporate Engagement - Ratana Stephens
Breaking Barriers - Steven Purewal
Heritage Defender - Naveen Girn
Spirit of Sport - Sahil Sandhu
International Sensation - Ajay Bhatt