“Our organization is well connected not just throughout the country, but also in the Silicon Valley. So if an entrepreneur needed to raise a few million dollars we can help them by making that connection to venture capitalists so they can make that money to grow their business,” explains Gopal
For over 10 years, Deborah Dawson, popularly known as Deborah “La Caramelita”, has mesmerized people worldwide with her graceful and passionate performances. Based in France, Deborah is a professional flamenco dancer, an art form originating from Andalusia, Spain.
Now, 13 years old, Bakshi is striding ahead of individuals well beyond his age group by doing what he enjoys most – coding and programming.
“All roads went under water. It becomes very difficult for children to go to school and many of my relatives and friends could not attend school at that time.” Rezwan’s solar-powered floating school, launched in 2002, aims to resolve struggles of flood-prone communities by bringing education, healthcare clinics, agriculture, and training centres directly to their homes.
Bains will be making history this fall as he becomes the first Indian-born player in Division...
Maninder Dhaliwal, CEO and co-founder of Lions Gate International, strongly believes that opportunities should be available to everyone irrespective of who they are, and where they come from.