WATCH: Tanishq Deletes AD After Uproar | #BoycottTanishq Trends & TITAN Stocks Fall #tanishq #Ekatvam
WATCH: Tanishq Deletes AD After Uproar | #BoycottTanishq Trends & TITAN Stocks Fall #tanishq #Ekatvam
Lawyers for Raj Grewal and the Crown agreed to have the case return to court Jan. 6 during a brief virtual hearing on Tuesday.
The defence has acknowledged Raymond killed the victims but says he should be found not criminally responsible because of a mental disorder.
Federal officials said earlier Tuesday that 3.4 million Canadians have uploaded the COVID Alert App.
WATCH: BC Liberal Party to Get rid of ICBC if they WIN Fall Elections said Leader Andrew Wilkinson. “When I hear stories of young people with clean driving records stuck with bills of over $5,000 it’s clear the system is failing and needs to be fixed,” added Wilkinson. “Young people face enough pressure these days, so the BC Liberals will make sure they have affordable auto insurance.”
The Tories had sought to get ahead of it by calling witnesses and requesting documents related to the Liberal government's choice to have WE Charity run a multimillion-dollar student program.
The apology on behalf of the Quebec government comes on the same day as a private funeral is scheduled for Joyce Echaquan in the Atikamekw community of Manawan, about 250 kilometres north of Montreal.