Barinder Singh, who hails from Punjab and had moved to Edmonton in 2019 along with family, was asleep when intruders broke into his house at Mill Woods Road and started firing, the Global News reported. Police responded to a disturbance around 2.45 a.m., and found an injured 51-year-old man lying in a pool of blood.
The BC General Employees' Union and Health Employers Association announced the agreement Monday, saying it was reached early Sunday morning. The contract covers 21,700 people who work in private homes, group homes, residential living centres, child development, mental-health centres and other programs around B.C.
The drivers, both of whom were males in their 20s, were issued tickets for Excessive speed and Drive without Due Care and Attention totaling over $ 1500. Their vehicles were also impounded for 7 days, however, both vehicles may well be written off due to the extent of damage.
A single application process is being created, and Eby says permit and authorization decisions will be expedited through a cross-ministry team focused solely on processing housing permits. He says 42 new full-time staff will be hired to identify the highest-priority housing and will steer those through the process quickly and efficiently.
Chou and her former partner Danny Chen, who was not living there but was still listed as a tenant, have been ordered to pay the Langara Gardens apartment building more than $512,000 for damages caused by the fire. The fire spread to other apartments, and the court ruled Chou will also pay $56,000 to Langara Gardens for the rent lost while 10 units were repaired.
A 54-year-old woman, Nev Bains, was last seen at her North Delta home that morning. Nev’s car has been located in the Bridgeview area of Surrey. Nev is described as 5’3” tall, approximately 140 lbs, with medium-length black hair.