VANCOUVER — Sad news from the Vancouver Aquarium — the beluga whale name Aurora has died.
The Aquarium released a statement late Friday night that said Aurora was surrounded by people who loved her when she passed away.
The news came as somewhat of a shock, as Veterinarian Dr. Martin Haulena had said earlier Friday that Aurora was showing signs of improvement after undergoing a new treatment plan targeting her gastrointestinal tract. He had noted that she was more active and was again interacting with trainers.
Aurora had been stricken by an unknown illness since her offspring Qila (KEY'-la) died suddenly at the aquarium last week.
The 30-year-old beluga was moved to a medical pool for round-the-clock care more than a week ago.
Aurora was the only remaining beluga at the aquarium.
A necropsy will be conducted later today.

The Vancouver Aquarium is facing criticism from animal welfare groups after the second death of a beluga whale at the facility in just under two weeks.
The beluga called Aurora died late Friday evening after struggling with an unknown illness that became apparent immediately following the death of her offspring Qila 10 days earlier.
The non-profit ecology organization Lifeforce says the capture of whales should be banned, and the Vancouver Humane Society is calling for an end to holding cetaceans in captivity.
The humane society's communications director Peter Fricker says whales should be able to enjoy the freedom of the open ocean and keeping marine mammals in tanks is unnatural and cruel.

The whale Aurora was 30 years old and had lived at the aquarium since 1990. Her offspring Qila was the first beluga to be born in captivity in Canada in 1995.
The Vancouver Aquarium says in a news release about the death of Aurora that officials will not be providing comment Saturday while a necropsy is performed, and more details will likely be released on Sunday.