David Singh Tucker, man charged in relation to a violent sexual assault on the UBC campus, has died in a Surrey pre-trial facility.
B.C. Coroners Service confirmed that 28-year-old was found by staff early July 25.
Coroners service spokeswoman Barb McLintock said the cause and manner of Tucker's death were under investigation.
"Any custody-related death is a tragedy, and I can assure you that each and every one is taken extremely seriously," said spokeswoman Amy Lapsley.
"We are conducting a critical incident review to investigate the circumstances, relevant history, and possible contributing factors preceding this death, to make recommendations that may reduce the likelihood of similar incident in the future."

Tucker had been charged with three counts of sexual assault with a weapon, three counts of unlawful confinement, and one count each of robbery and disguising his face with the intent to commit a crime.
His alleged accomplice, 23-year-old Yuan Zhi Gao, is charged with breaking and entering in connection with the assaults.