On Saturday at 4:56 am, a driver was found impaired and was issued a 24-hour prohibition. The twin sister who drove to the scene was also found to be intoxicated.
The incident occurred around 1:40 a.m., when the 27-year-old motorcyclist was heading south on Cambie Street, near 35th Avenue. VPD investigators believe he somehow lost control of the red Honda CRB, struck the curb, and was thrown from the bike.
COVAX said last week it needed another $2 billion pledged by today to secure enough vaccines to vaccinate almost one-third of people living in low and middle-income countries.
Canada's veterans ombudsman says a recent investigation by her office has found victims of military sexual misconduct are being referred away from existing peer-support programs for service members with PTSD and other psychological trauma.
British Columbia health officials say about 70 per cent of eligible adults in the province have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Officials say in a news release that they will be following the National Advisory Committee on Immunization guidelines on mixing and matching vaccines.
Statistics Canada says it estimates that life expectancy across the country declined by an average of 0.41 years in 2020, adding that the 15,651 deaths caused by COVID-19 contributed to that drop.
Canada's annual report on exports of military equipment says in 2020 it sold approximately $1.966 billion in controlled military goods to international buyers compared to $3.757 billion in 2019.