Coquitlam RCMP plainclothes investigators have identified a suspect who is being linked to seven alleged assaults in or near Glen Park at 1149 Westwood Street, Coquitlam. The suspect was previously unknown to police.
There are extenuating circumstances involving this suspect that may have played a role in these alleged assaults, says Corporal Michael McLaughlin with Coquitlam RCMP. Due to privacy concerns, we cannot go into detail about this suspect’s circumstances, but everyone should know that public safety is our number one priority.
The Coquitlam RCMP Sex Crimes Unit is working with the BC Prosecution Service, and community partners, to determine the best course of action and it is currently unknown if that will be criminal charges or something else. Systems are in place to ensure that the area of Glen Park will stay safe. Police will continue to make files like these a priority no matter where they occur.
It’s important that our citizens have the information they need to keep themselves safe, and we’d like to thank everyone for their attention to this investigation, says Corporal McLaughlin. We also want to remind people that it’s not helpful to draw conclusions about motive without all the facts. It’s also important to leave enforcement to the police.
The incidents in and around Glen Park happened between November, 2019, and January, 2020. In all cases, the alleged assaults targeted adult women, the incidents were over very quickly, and ended with the suspect running away.
If you ever think you’re being followed or you’re in danger at or near Glen Park, please call 911 immediately. For historical crimes in our jurisdiction, or if you have information for police, please call the Coquitlam RCMP non-emergency number at 604-945-1550.