Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Proposed Dismissal Of Delta Police Officer Up For Final Review By Retired Judge

The Canadian Press, 23 Feb, 2015 05:28 PM
    DELTA, B.C. — B.C.'s police complaint commissioner has ordered a final review of a case involving a police officer who could be dismissed due alleged professional misconduct.
    Const. Felipe Gomes (GOAM'-z) of the Delta Police Department is accused of four charges of deceit and one of neglect of duty.
    The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner says the complaints relate to concerns over the integrity of the officer's notes as well as claims he made to professional standards investigators.
    The office found a separate charge of damage to police property against Gomes to be unsubstantiated.
    A so-called review on the record to be held for Gomes would be conducted by a retired judge, and such decisions are final.
    An officer is entitled to either a public hearing or a review on the record whenever dismissal or loss of rank is recommended as a disciplinary measure.

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