Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Powder sent to consulates in Turkey tests negative; Canadian consulate closed

Darpan News Desk The Canadian Press, 27 Oct, 2014 10:55 AM

    ANKARA, Turkey - Turkish officials say initial tests indicate suspicious packages sent to five consulates in Istanbul — including Canada's — did not contain bioterrorism agents.

    A statement from the Turkish health ministry today says powdery substances sent to the consulates last week tested negative for anthrax, ricin, botulism, tularemia and a plague bacteria.

    However, it says more advanced tests are being conducted.

    The Department of Foreign Affairs says the Canadian consulate in Turkey's largest city will remain closed today as a precaution but says all staff remain safe and accounted for.

    The consulate was shut down on Friday after it received a package containing a suspicious yellow powder.

    Staff members who came into contact with the powder were sent to hospital, though there has been no further information about them.

    Similar to packages were also sent to the German, Belgian, French and American consulates in Istanbul on Friday, and authorities say the Hungarian Consulate in the city received a similar package today.

    Foreign Affairs officials say Canadians in the area who require consular assistance should contact the consulate in Ankara.

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