The Kelowna RCMP in partnership with the Southeast District Emergency Response Team (ERT) executed a search warrant on a West Kelowna residence seizing several firearms and illicit drugs.
On July 7th, 2016 the Kelowna RCMP Street Enforcement Unit (SEU) obtained and executed a search warrant at a residence located in the 2700 block of Windt Road in West Kelowna.
The Kelowna RCMP SEU set up surveillance on the residence, with the assistance of the Southeast District Emergency Response Team (ERT) who performed a contain and call-out.
Police arrested 2 men and a woman from inside the residence without incident. The Ministry of Child and Family Development (MCFD) were called to assist police by taking care and custody of a 7-year-old child who was also located inside the home.

The following items were seized during the execution of the search warrant:
12 gauge Maverick Mossberg 88 pump action shotgun with a pistol grip & extended magazine;
SKS P10 semi-automatic rifle;
30/30 Marlin lever action rifle;
.308 Norinco M14 semi-automatic rifle;
.22 cal Ruger 10 semi-automatic rifle;
.45 cal Colt M1911A1 semi-automatic pistol:
.45 cal Smith & Wesson revolver;
.22 cal Bersa Model 644 semi-automatic pistol;
26 grams of suspected Methamphetamine;
20 grams of suspected Marihuana;
6 grams of suspected Cocaine;
9 X 500 ml bottles of suspect GHB;
Various firearms magazines & ammunition;
"Kelowna Warriors" three-piece colours;
A 24-year-old West Kelowna woman was questioned and later released from police custody without charge.
A 37-year-old West Kelowna man was also released from custody. He is expected to appear in Court on October 13th and faces potential drug and firearms related charges.
A 32-year-old West Kelowna resident, Tyson Ashleigh Bone, remains in custody at this time. Bone has been formally charged with multitude of charges including careless storage of a firearm, 2 counts of possession of a loaded prohibited/restricted firearm with ammo, possession of stolen property, knowingly possess a firearm without a licence, possession of a controlled substance, 3 counts of possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking and breach of an undertaking.