TORONTO — The $5 million jackpot prize in last night`s Lotto 649 draw went unclaimed.
The jackpot for next Wednesday`s draw will rise to approximately $7 million, and there will also be one guaranteed prize of a million dollars.
MONTREAL — A former Quebec doctor charged with first-degree murder in the deaths of his two children will remain a free man pending his new trial.
A supremely skilled centre for 18 seasons for the Montreal Canadiens, the 83-year-old Beliveau was also a gracious spokesman for the team and the sport.
ST. JOHN'S, N.L. — A major shortage of food bank donations has inspired the City of St. John's in Newfoundland to collect contributions door to door.
WINNIPEG — An aboriginal candidate who won praise for his mayoral campaign in Winnipeg wants to become a Liberal member of Parliament.
OTTAWA — Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz is keeping the trend-setting interest rate at one per cent, even as Canada's recent economic performance has the look of a "broadening recovery."
Leitao issued an economic update in Quebec City on Tuesday and said his government hopes to save $338 million in tax credits that were destined for banks, insurance companies and research centres.