Friday, July 5, 2024

NDP wants review of Jason Kenney fundraising, Elections Alberta says it can't

The Canadian Press, 11 Aug, 2016 11:45 AM
  • NDP wants review of Jason Kenney fundraising, Elections Alberta says it can't
EDMONTON — The NDP wants Alberta's chief electoral officer to investigate Progressive Conservative leadership hopeful Jason Kenney's political fundraising activities.
The NDP says the review should also include Unite Alberta, Kenney's provincial political organization.
Kenney, who is a federal Conservative MP, announced last month that he is seeking to rally conservative voters in Alberta in a new party to defeat the NDP in the 2019 provincial election.
The Progressive Conservative leadership race doesn't officially begin until October. 
NDP Provincial Secretary Roari Richardson says their read of Alberta's election rules stipulate that a candidate may not raise or spend money until an official campaign has been announced.
Elections Alberta says it has received the NDP request, but says it has no authority to review fundraising outside of an official election campaign.


Drones Get Nod Of Approval For Use In Fighting British Columbia Wildfires

Spokeswoman Erin Catherall says the service has conducted two seasons of trials and is ready to put the remotely controlled aircraft to work.

Drones Get Nod Of Approval For Use In Fighting British Columbia Wildfires

Hairless Sphynx Cat Breed Traces Origin Story To Kitten Born In Toronto

Hairless Sphynx Cat Breed Traces Origin Story To Kitten Born In Toronto
TORONTO — One of the most peculiar and polarizing pets — the hairless sphynx cat — can be traced back to Canada's largest city.

Hairless Sphynx Cat Breed Traces Origin Story To Kitten Born In Toronto

Pace Of New Canadian Home Construction Eased Last Month, CMHC says

Pace Of New Canadian Home Construction Eased Last Month, CMHC says
OTTAWA — The pace of new Canadian residential construction eased last month following an unusually robust June, but still held up stronger than expected.

Pace Of New Canadian Home Construction Eased Last Month, CMHC says

Man Pleads Not Guilty In Killing Of Washington State Couple

Man Pleads Not Guilty In Killing Of Washington State Couple
John Blaine Reed, 54, was arraigned in Everett and entered the pleas on two counts of aggravated murder and one count of unlawful possession of a firearm.

Man Pleads Not Guilty In Killing Of Washington State Couple

Chesley John Lucas, Wanted In Steven Miller Murder, Arrested In Halifax Eatery During Breakfast

Chesley John Lucas, Wanted In Steven Miller Murder, Arrested In Halifax Eatery During Breakfast
Miller, 25, was abducted and killed on July 30 in Conception Bay South, N.L.

Chesley John Lucas, Wanted In Steven Miller Murder, Arrested In Halifax Eatery During Breakfast

Soda Pop Tax? Feds Examine Financial Side Of A Potential Obesity-fighting Tool

OTTAWA — The federal government has weighed the pros and cons of a financial deterrent aimed at shrinking bulging waistlines: a tax on soda pop.

Soda Pop Tax? Feds Examine Financial Side Of A Potential Obesity-fighting Tool