VANCOUVER — There are just a few days left in British Columbia's election campaign and one of the party leaders says he's excited for voting day.
Speaking at a campaign event in North Vancouver yesterday, John Horgan said he'll "drive hard" for the next few days and he can't wait for the polls to close next Tuesday.
Horgan's also attacked the B.C. Liberals at the event, accusing the party of harbouring plans to bring back a divisive haromized sales tax.

Liberal Leader Christy Clark adamantly refutes the claims, saying under no circumstance will B.C. end up with another HST.
Clark says her plan is to lower or freeze taxes, while Horgan is planning is to raise them.
The Liberals also walked back claims yesterday that the NDP planted a woman at a campaign event, leading to a confrontation with Clark, with the party saying in a statement that they are "happy to stand corrected."