VANCOUVER — The family of a British diver who drowned in the treacherous waters of Race Rocks southwest of Victoria says an inquest is the best way to address many questions raised by his death.
Timothy Chu was an experienced open water diver when he hired a guide for a day of diving on July 5, during a visit to Vancouver Island.
The 27-year-old was swept away by the tidal current and his body was not found for more than seven weeks.
According to the family of the former British Army lance corporal, the dive proceeded despite the powerful current and the dive master's unfamiliarity with the conditions.

Chu's family says it has learned of problems with the dive centre that led the outing and it is concerned that one Vancouver hospital treats as many as 25 diving victims annually.
The family hopes a full inquest into Chu's death will lead to recommendations to regulate the diving industry, establish qualifications for dive masters and prohibit diving when currents exceed a certain speed.