Friday, July 5, 2024

Former Mountie Who Killed His Wife Gets Escorted Leave Despite 'Being Deceitful'

The Canadian Press, 06 Jan, 2015 04:00 PM
    VANCOUVER — A former Mountie convicted of first-degree murder whose parole has repeatedly been suspended or revoked for "being deceitful" has been granted escorted, overnight leave privileges.
    Patrick Kelly was convicted in 1983 for throwing his wife off the 17th-floor balcony of their Toronto apartment.
    Kelly was originally granted day parole in 2003 and in the years since has had his parole granted and revoked several times for failing to disclose financial dealings or relationships with women.
    A board decision dated in November, but just released to the media, says Kelly is manipulative and greedy, has used the Internet to develop female friendships even though he's been banned from computers and continues to push the boundaries with his supervisors.
    Despite that, the board concluded that he doesn't present an undue risk and can remain on day parole, but his request for overnight leaves to attend medical treatments in B.C.'s Lower Mainland will have to be escorted.
    Kelly lives somewhere in B.C. outside Metro Vancouver and operates an antique store, but his exact location hasn't been disclosed.  

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