Sunday, July 7, 2024

Eby to target predators after talking to dad of sextortion victim Carson Cleland, 12

Darpan News Desk The Canadian Press, 21 Dec, 2023 04:30 PM
  • Eby to target predators after talking to dad of sextortion victim Carson Cleland, 12

Premier David Eby says an emotional conversation with the father of a 12-year-old British Columbia boy who killed himself after falling prey to online sextortion has prompted him to push for more protections for youth.

Eby says the New Democrat government plans changes in the new year honouring the memory of Carson Cleland of Prince George, who police said died in October after being victimized online.

The premier says he spoke with Carson's father who told him that since their son's death, the family has been contacted by the families of three of his classmates, who said their children were also talking online with strangers.

Eby says people from across B.C. have been contacting his office saying their children were in situations similar to Carson's and they only found out due to publicity surrounding the boy's death.

He says Carson's family are facing devastating loss this holiday season but demonstrated remarkable courage by going public with their tragedy.

Eby's remarks come in a year-end interview, in which he describes the rise of B.C.'s upstart Conservatives as "terrifying" and "awful," bringing conspiracy theories and a potential "culture war" to the province's politics.


Choice is between BC United and NDP, says Kevin Falcon, shrugging off Conservatives

Choice is between BC United and NDP, says Kevin Falcon, shrugging off Conservatives
Competition with the B.C. Conservatives, who have two seats in the legislature and are riding high in opinion polls, and the name change to BC United from the BC Liberal Party, will not be major deciding factors in the October 2024 campaign, Falcon said. Vote splitting on the political right has always been an issue in B.C. elections, but the potential threat to BC United from the provincial Conservatives will fizzle when voters realize they are not Pierre Poilievre's federal Conservatives, said Falcon.

Choice is between BC United and NDP, says Kevin Falcon, shrugging off Conservatives

Free transit after 5pm on New Year's Eve

Free transit after 5pm on New Year's Eve
There's a bit of extra incentive to put away your vehicle keys if you are going out on New Year's Eve in Metro Vancouver.  TransLink will again offer free transit across its network in the area. 

Free transit after 5pm on New Year's Eve

Feds announce temporary visas for people in Gaza with Canadian relatives

Feds announce temporary visas for people in Gaza with Canadian relatives
Immigration Minister Marc Miller says people in the Gaza Strip who have Canadian relatives will now be able to apply for temporary visas to Canada, but the federal government cannot guarantee them safe passage out of the besieged Palestinian territory. He expects the program to be up and running by Jan. 9.

Feds announce temporary visas for people in Gaza with Canadian relatives

Vintage gun for teacher's presentation triggers police lockdown at Vancouver school

Vintage gun for teacher's presentation triggers police lockdown at Vancouver school
A prop for a teacher’s presentation at a Vancouver secondary school set off a lockdown and an emergency response by police on Thursday. Police say a teacher at Lord Byng Secondary called 911 to report a man carrying a rifle into the school, and the emergency response team was dispatched and the school locked down while police searched for a suspect.

Vintage gun for teacher's presentation triggers police lockdown at Vancouver school

2 weather warnings relating to heavy rain or snow issued for northwestern BC

2 weather warnings relating to heavy rain or snow issued for northwestern BC
Environment Canada has issued two weather warnings relating to heavy rain or snow for northwestern B-C. The agency says the Kitimat region is expected to receive up to 70 millimetres of rain which could set off flash floods and leave pooling water on the roads. 

2 weather warnings relating to heavy rain or snow issued for northwestern BC

Surrey RCMP announces multiple arrests in retail theft

Surrey RCMP announces multiple arrests in retail theft
Police in B-C continue to target retail theft this holiday season, with Surrey R-C-M-P announcing multiple arrests during a one-day operation. Police say officers at Guildford Town Centre Mall arrested 15 people this week and recovered about four thousand dollars worth of stolen goods, including liquor, clothing and cosmetics.

Surrey RCMP announces multiple arrests in retail theft
