Saturday, July 6, 2024

Celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver Hopes To Discuss Child Health Issues With Trudeau

The Canadian Press, 05 Oct, 2016 12:41 PM
    TORONTO — Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver says he's hoping to meet with Justin Trudeau later this week to discuss the prime minister's plan to combat childhood obesity and promote healthy eating.
    In Toronto doing media for his new book "Super Food Family Classics," Oliver said it looks "pretty good" that he and Trudeau will meet on Thursday.
    "He's reached out before, which is really nice," Oliver said in an interview Tuesday.
    The Prime Minister's Office did not respond to a request to confirm the meeting.
    Oliver has been an outspoken critic about the lack of healthy food available to children around the world. His "Food Revolution" initiative is aimed at sparking debate and bringing about change "in the way our children access, consume and understand food."
    Shortly after Trudeau was elected in October 2015, Oliver said he hoped the new government would have a strategy for child health.
    Oliver said Canada could lead the way on the issue.
    "For the people that care around the world we're all really excited about Canada," he said. "We're all watching what Justin does and ... certainly from the outside looking in it seems like he's making all the right noises. This is really exciting for us.
    "And of course if he does it, then other countries follow."
    The government is currently reviewing a bill introduced last week by Conservative Sen. Nancy Greene Raine that would ban the sale and advertising of junk food and sugary drinks to pre-teen children in Canada.
    Trudeau's mandate letter to Health Minister Jane Philpott called for "introducing new restrictions on the commercial marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children."

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