Seventy-eight-year-old Kathleen Green was mauled to death at her home on the southern Interior reserve Saturday night by a dog that was tied up in the backyard.
The day after a colossal avalanche killed five snowmobilers in eastern British Columbia, Thea Pelletier climbed aboard her machine and returned to the backcountry wilderness.
Premier Christy Clark's Liberals, the New Democrats and the Greens are knocking on doors and waving signs to court votes and field testing tactics and attitudes in advance of the provincial election 16 months away.
Police have said Zito was pronounced dead after suffering a gunshot wound in a house on Toronto's west end. They said officers tried to save the man's life.
On Monday, the courts will begin sorting out whether he engaged in consensual "rough sex," as Ghomeshi claims, or whether, as three women claim, he sexually assaulted them.