Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Calgary Bobsled Death Inquiry Recommends Infrared Technology, Safety Audits

Darpan News Desk The Canadian Press, 19 Nov, 2018 12:32 PM
    CALGARY — A judge who led an inquiry into a fatal after-hours bobsled run in 2016 says Canada Olympic Park should explore using infrared technology to help prevent similar tragedies.
    Provincial court Judge Margaret Keelaghan found the deaths of 17-year-old twins Evan and Jordan Caldwell were accidental and caused by blunt-force head and neck trauma.
    The Caldwell twins and six other young men climbed over a six foot fence at the park with plastic sleds and a plan to slide down the bobsled track.
    But the group didn't know there was a barrier in place meant to divide the bobsled and luge tracks, as well as a chain strung across.
    Keelaghan noted park owner Winsport has already taken numerous steps to address security concerns, including improved signage, fencing and patrols.
    She's recommending safety audits, posting details of penalties on no-trespassing signs, putting up more cameras and boosting training and education for staff and the public.
    She said Winsport should continue to look for technology to improve safety, "including the potential use of infrared technology at the top and down the track that might trip an alarm and alert security and/or activate lights.
    "These measures could act as a deterrent."
    She thanked the boys' parents for being in court for the inquiry in April and commended the "strength and grace" they displayed.
    "The young men involved in this incident were thrill-seeking youth whose ill-conceived risk-taking resulted in unspeakable tragedy," Keelaghan wrote in her report, dated Sept. 24 and released Monday.
    "It is important, however, to remember that the two promising young men who passed away were bright, talented members of their community, loved by their family and their friends, who did not involve themselves with drugs or alcohol and how, before the incident occurred, had spent the evening at their church youth group." 

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