VANCOUVER — A teacher in Invermere, B.C., will no longer be working in a public school after being disciplined for sending inappropriate emails to a Grade 11 student.
A decision by the Teacher Regulation Branch in January, but only posted online recently, shows Daphne Neal agrees to the permanent removal of her teaching certificate, although she was fired from her teaching job in 2013.
Neal admits to sending as many as 50 text messages to a student on a single day in December 2012, saying she was attracted to him but also admitting she could lose her job for sending the notes.
Neal denied sending the notes when questioned, only telling the school district she had texted the student to ask him to stop flirting with her.
Two other disciplinary notices posted recently by the branch include a five-day suspension for North Okanagan-Shuswap middle school teacher Karl Emde who violated safety policies in his shop class and used inappropriate language with students.

Vancouver teacher on call Elizabeth Martinson must complete a course on positive learning environments for several infractions, including allowing a Grade One student to leave her class and play outside, unsupervised.
A B-C teacher has been reprimanded for sending inappropriate texts to one of her students.
Daphne Anne Neal, a teacher in Invermere, southwest of Banff has been stripped of her teaching license over racy text messages.
According to the Teacher Regulation Branch, in December of 2012, Neal sent over 50 messages, including telling a grade 11 student she was attracted to him.
She says she was intoxicated when she sent many messages but admits it does not excuse her actions.
In January of 2013, when Neal's actions were made public, she pulled the student aside and said it was a serious condition that could go wrong.
When the district investigated, Neal denied she sent any texts.
Neal was terminated in August of 2013 and as of last month she no longer holds a teaching license.