VICTORIA — Three annual reports released by the Ministry of Education show the number of British Columbia students who perform well and complete high school continues to climb.
One report says high school graduation rates in 2015-2016 rose almost two per cent compared with the 2011-2012 school year.
In a release, the ministry says 84 per cent of all eligible B.C. students, including aboriginal and special-needs students, earned a diploma in the last school year.

Another report examining marks shows grades have improved over the last four years, with a two per cent jump in the number of students receiving a C-plus or better on provincial English 10 and English 12 exams.
A third study examining results for aboriginal teens shows the high school completion rate has improved steadily over the last five years to sit at nearly 64 per cent, while more than 85 per cent of indigenous students received passing grades in all key grade 10-to-12 courses
Education Minister Mike Bernier says that he is proud of the success rates of B.C. students and believes the newly revised provincial curriculum will ensure those rates remain high.