In a shocking incident a 23-year-old Punjabi youth hailing from Chand Purana village was shot dead by unidentified gunman in Abbotsford, B.C on Monday.
Sidhu was shot in the 30500-block of Steelhead Court about 9:30 a.m. Abbotsford police tailed a suspect vehicle to Mission where three men were arrested.
“This homicide was a brazen shooting that occurred in a quiet residential neighbourhood, and fortunately no one else was hurt,” said IHIT spokeswoman Cpl. Meghan Foster in a statement. “Having association to or involvement with the gang life comes with many risks. There are people who have information about what happened, and they need to step forward.”
Foster said that “from the evidence gathered so far, police believe that Mr. Sidhu’s murder was targeted, and is linked to other gang violence that has occurred in the Lower Mainland.”
"He was on the way to drop his brother to college near the court. An unidentified gunman attacked him and he died on the spot. We were informed by his father Baldev Singh Sidhu over phone. The incident has shocked the Punjabi community living in Canada," said cousin of Satkar Singh, Jagsir Singh.
Satkar was operating a business of CCTV camera installations after passing school. Satkar did not have any criminal background and was born and brought-up in Canada.
Anyone with information is asked to contact IHIT at 1-877-551-4448 or