Undoubtedly, trust and truth are two such pillars of a relationship, which provide a strong base to a long lasting bond. But at the same time there is no denying the fact that there are certain things which should remain unspoken through-out or at least in the initial phase, for a long lasting rapport.
So, guys have a look at a few things you should keep under wraps from your girl.
1. An awkward past
Whoever's born on this planet earth has faced one or the other insecurity or trauma during the childhood, but it never stops anyone from moving ahead in life.
Hence all your anxieties and troubled memories pertaining to psychological or physical trauma of your childhood should remain under wraps concealed from your partner until you both reach a level of unconditional trust in your relationship.
2. Why to talk about your past relationship
Although you may count it under the umbrella of honesty, but just introspect that do you really need to reveal everything pertaining to your previous relationship to your girl.
Be it the good qualities of your past lady-love, her shortcomings, the sweet names you gave her or even the reasons of your parting ways, you need not to reveal everything, because if everything doesn't goes well then you may end becoming a source of mockery for your lady-love.
3. Don't Let Your Honey, Love your Money
If you really want to make sure that whether your girl really loves you or your thick wallet, then better keep your financial matters out of her reach. Even making a mention of money matters just to boast about your financial standing is nothing less than a suicide in a relationship.
So better keep mum.
4. I am stuck to...
Well majority of man nurture one or the other fantasy or fetish in some nook of their head. But being very open about that is not recommended with your lady, because if you do so and your muse is not comfortable with that, then either you will end up proving yourself a pervert or searching for a new girl.
5. Actually I had a crush on...
At times men love to play pranks about their infatuation towards some close kins of their girl, but guys in a relationship where you are really serious avoid even mentioning that ' I had a crush on...' even if you really mean it. And that's because even slightest dose of of slip-ups can give rise to jealousy and suspicion in your partner's mind.
7. Your Sex score
You may have been a great playboy or flirt and have enjoyed a sexual rendezvous with many women, but while being into a relationship never use it as an ego boost to flaunt your smartness. Why?
That's because first of all this doesn't serve any purpose in your existing relationship. And secondly, if your score is more than hers or vice versa, either way you're screwed.