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Saturday, March 1, 2025

For A Safe And Fun Summer In SURREY

Darpan News Desk, 21 Jun, 2017 03:21 PM
    With summer officially upon us, here are few simple reminders to ensure everyone can enjoy the outdoors in Surrey this summer.
    • Smoking and consumption of alcohol are prohibited in all parks, including athletic parks, recreational facilities and parking lots.
    • Do not dispose of cigarettes on grass, in parks or out of car windows.
    • Open burning is not permitted anywhere in the city, this includes outdoor fireplaces, chimney's and campfires.
    • The warm weather and longer days bring more people outdoors. With more social gatherings in backyards, please be courteous to your neighbours.
    • Please remember that dogs are only permitted off-leash in Surrey's 10 designated off-leash parks, including the dog beach area of Blackie Spit.
    • The temperature in a parked car, even in the shade with the windows partly open, can rapidly reach a level that will seriously harm or even kill your pet.
    • Please be aware of the summer sprinkling regulations and be mindful to conserve water.


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