At 24, Sama al-Diwani and her college sweetheart had big dreams. Those dreams came to a screeching halt with the outbreak of the coronavirus, as countries shut down, economies buckled and global chaos followed.
If the past three months without a service dog have been a challenge for Ann Moxley, the next year seems poised to be a struggle.
Sharon Robinson scours the house for her shoes, then has to sneak past the guard at her front door before she can leave for work each day.
August is the month for two garden W’s: weeding and watering. Regular attention to both keeps a vegetable or flower garden pretty and productive well into autumn.
A prominent electronic music festival in British Columbia is postponing this year's virtual event after sexual misconduct allegations were made against one of its performers.
John McCall's great-grandfather was born in southern Ontario some 200 years ago, and ever since the descendents of his seven children, some living in Canada, some in the U.S, have criss-crossed the border with ease.