A Sikh brother taking responsibility of awakening his muslim brothers for sehri in Tral Kashmir
Posted by Global Kashmir on Monday, 28 May 2018
A Sikh brother taking responsibility of awakening his muslim brothers for sehri in Tral Kashmir
Posted by Global Kashmir on Monday, 28 May 2018
The House of Commons' Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, which had opened an investigation after an undercover media report revealed serious breaches at one of Ranjit Boparan's factories last year, wrote to the businessman to stress that the gifts were an "inappropriate gesture".
Between 2005 and 2015, India, along with Ecuador, posted the biggest increase among origin countries for eligible immigrants opting to become American citizens, a study has found.
Ms Ghani, born in Birmingham to parents who migrated from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, was cheered by her colleagues as she addressed the House of Commons as a junior minister in the Department for Transport.
Pornstar Stormy Daniels had told a US magazine that she had sex with Donald Trump right after his wife, Melania, gave birth in 2006.
Bhagat Singh Memorial Foundation – an organisation working to prove the legendary freedom fighter’s innocence in court - has demanded the country's highest gallantry award ‘Nishan-e-Haider’ for the revolutionary.
Langley RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance to execute an arrest warrant for Bryce TELFORD.