Social media earns big bucks for celebrity users who use the platform to promote commercial products. Virat Kohli, for instance, has used Instagram to promote a clothing line, a sporting apparel company, a luggage manufacturer, a luxury car, a Swiss watch company — even his wife Anushka Sharma’s movie Pari!
Kohli has 2.32 crore followers on Instagram. His promotional messages reach a very large number of people — five times the population of Croatia, just to give you a reference point.
So how much is each of his messages worth in hard cash?
Instagram scheduler website HopperHQ has compiled its 2018 Instagram rich list, which gives you an indication of who is making how much money with each message on Instagram. Kohli ranks 17th in the world according to this list — with earnings of over Rs 82 lakh ($120,000) per post! That’s very serious money.
The list is headed by an American, obviously — reality TV personality and entrepreneur Kylie Jenner, HopperHQ says, can charge up to $1 million for a single post.
Selena Gomez is No. 2 with $800,000 per post, and football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo third at $750,000 per post. Neymar is eighth at $600,000 and Lionel Messi ninth $500,000.
Interestingly, Kohli is ranked ahead of basketball star Stephen Curry and boxing legend Floyd Mayweather. Among sportspersons, Kohli is ninth. But if you thought Kohli’s following of 2.32 crores is massive, here’s food for thought — Selena Gomez has 13.9 crore followers on Instagram!