Wednesday, July 3, 2024

NDP MP Nathan Cullen Near Tears As He Pays Tribute To Slain British MP Jo Cox

Darpan News Desk The Canadian Press, 17 Jun, 2016 01:14 PM
    OTTAWA — MP Nathan Cullen teetered on the edge of tears as he paid tribute in the Commons today to a friend — slain British MP Jo Cox.
    Cullen's voice broke several times during his brief comments on the Labour politician, who was shot and stabbed on the street outside a meeting in her constituency.
    The New Democrat MP calls her a friend and a mother of two beautiful children, saying she spoke for those who had no voice.
    He describes her as having devoted her passion to those who needed it most.
    Cox, 41, was attacked outside a library in Birstall, northern England, after a regular meeting with constituents. Police would not speculate on the attacker's motive.
    She was the first British MP to be killed while in office in more than a quarter century.
    An emotional Cullen called her an advocate for human rights around the world.
    "Her husband Brendan said it beautifully: 'She would have wanted two things above all else to happen now, that our children are bathed in love and that we all unite to fight against the hatred that killed her,'" Cullen said.

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