International Literacy Day celebrated its 50th anniversary earlier this month, and the steps taken to improve literacy levels worldwide were highlighted across multiple platforms.
Projects Abroad has always supported long-term development goals, and literacy is a core focus. Through Care Projects, the organization's aim is to provide individualized care and educational support to children who lack mental stimulation. Volunteers are placed where there is a need for extra support, and they play an instrumental role in children's physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development. "This is an area where every volunteer is able to contribute, and it has been encouraging to see the difference that our volunteers are able to make," says Jenny Puyo, Program Developer for Projects Abroad.
Projects Abroad continuously strives to develop and achieve results that benefit both the children they work with and the volunteers who contribute to the programs. Each Care Project has different needs, therefore individualized Care Management Plans have been implemented in the countries where these projects are based. These plans work towards achieving select long-term goals and focus on the actions needed to achieve them. The care facilities and partners that Projects Abroad works with on Care Projects can choose from the below goals, and focus their project activities around them:
1. Increase literacy
2. Increase numeracy
3. Improve English
4. Promote early childhood development
5. Improve hygiene levels of the children
6. Raise awareness of healthy living, the environment, and family planning
7. Increase emotional support and care to children
8. Improve the level of stimulation to each child
9. Improve the quality of life for those living with disabilities
These plans define a clear purpose for each Care Project, and allow Projects Abroad to monitor the impact volunteers have had on the host community. The management plans have been a huge success in setting standards for literacy with a global improvement of 8.41% since the beginning of 2016. Cambodia (15.63%), Nepal (29.99%), Samoa (10.94%) and Senegal (20.31%) are among the destinations that have seen a significant increase in literacy levels.
To learn more about volunteering with Projects Abroad on a Care Project, please visit