Are you tired of waiting for your food to get delivered? Now, you don't have to wait long enough for your favourite food as drones will soon be dropping it at your roof top or in the garden area, within minutes of ordering it.
A local online food delivery platform 'Online Kaka', located in Lucknow, has come up with a different concept of delivering food with the help of drones.
Online Kaka could become the second company in India after a pizza delivery chain in Mumbai and first in North India, if they are successful in getting approval for it.
Drone Delivery by Onlinekaka !Drone Delivery Concept by Onlinekaka ! #TheFutureIsHere #Onlinekaka #Lucknow
Posted by OnlineKaka on Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Ahad Arshad and Mohd Bilal founded this online delivery platform. And they have been working on the project for the last one year and are in touch with authorities to get approval for it.
According to a report in Hindustan Times, “We are preparing a proposal and hope to get the nod soon. They are no common drones but commercial ones. They are going to be the heavy duty drones, capable of covering the radius of more than 5km in minutes,” said Arshad, co-founder of online Kaka.
It is said that not all houses will qualify for the drone delivery. The customers will have to qualify the eligibility criteria after clicking the air delivery option.
“Under it, the customer has to mention if the delivery address has an open roof-top or the garden area. Food delivery by drone would be made only at the house that has roof top or the garden area,” said Ahad Arshad.
The company started off in January 2016 and also plans to expand to other areas of Uttar Pradesh.