In an effort to make women's period more comfortable, Swiss confiseur Marc Widmer has come up with a special chocolate that he claims can ease cramps and has a calming effect on consumers.
Called Frauenmond (German for "women's moon"), the Swiss chocolate created by Widmer's company, Chocolate with Love, contains 60% cocoa and 17 different herbs from the Swiss mountains.
Widmer, a famous pastry chef with loads of experience at top hotels in Switzerland, says he came up with the idea for Frauenmond three years ago, after meeting a peasant family from Grafenort who brewed a tea to alleviate female period symptoms, from the same 17 plants he uses. Interestingly, their tea was also called Frauenmond.

Widmer then teamed up with aromatherapist and phytotherapist Claudia Juma-Hotz and spent several months perfecting the formula for Frauenmond chocolate, which he calls "the first healthy chocolate made especially for women". That doesn't mean men can't enjoy it as well, it's just that it was conceived to help women better deal with the symptoms of their monthly period.
The Chocolate with Love founder emphasizes that Frauenmond is not a medical product, but merely a tasty combination of cocoa and plants that can also improve women's mood and have a soothing effect during that time of the month.
Since Widmer has yet to reveal all the 17 plants mixed into Frauenmond chocolate, it's hard to say if the chocolate could actually work as advertised. However, experts agree that eating moderate amounts of quality dark chocolate alone can alleviate cramps and PMS.
If you're eager to try Frauenmond for yourself, you'll have to pay a premium price for it. A 100 gram bar currently sells for 12.50 Swiss francs ($12). You can currently buy it from the Chocolate with Love website, but Marc Widmer hopes to enter the Asian market next year. No word on the U.S. yet, but you can get it online if you don't mind paying a small fortune on shipping.