On July 13, her wedding anniversary, Sushma Swaraj posted a picture from her wedding album wherein the young bride is posing with her husband Swaraj Kaushal, governor of Mizoram.
The picture, like her many tweets, has gone viral on Twitter, and obviously her 5 million followers have been showering her with congratulatory messages.
Thanks for your greetings and good wishes on our wedding anniversary. @sushmaswaraj & @GovernorSwaraj pic.twitter.com/d80OTAiMjc
— Sushma Swaraj (@SushmaSwaraj) July 13, 2016
The External Affairs minister is one the most communicative politicians on Twitter. Recently, she asked Akhilesh Yadav on the micro-blogging site to help India’s ‘Russian bahu’ who was suffering because of a family dispute.