Racial prejudices, violence and a romance thwarted due to intolerance...
The Theatre Under the Stars production of West Side Story brought all these themes and more, centre stage on opening night at the Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park.
Their fresh take on the iconic tale of gang rivalry and immigration, was nothing short of electrifying. The story centers around Tony, a former Jets member, who falls in love with the sister of a rival gang leader, Maria. Despite the heavy themes of class, disenfranchised youth and immigration, the production is punctuated with moments of high hilarity – particularly with their lively rendition of ‘America’!
Although the romance between Tony and Maria was slow in coming, it is well worth the wait. With captivating dance numbers, high-stakes fight sequences and a heartbreaking rendition of Someday, TUTS production of West Side Story is hauntingly poignant as it shines light on issues that are so relevant today.
West Side Story runs from July 7 to Aug. 20 at the Malkin Bowl. Tickets start at $20 and are available at tuts.ca. TUTS is also presenting a production of Beauty and the Beast on alternating nights.