Friday, July 5, 2024

Muslim Family Gets Heartwarming Letter Post Donald Trump's Inauguration

Darpan News Desk IANS, 23 Jan, 2017 12:09 PM
    A Muslim family in the US was pleasantly surprised to receive a heartwarming letter from their neighbours, offering support to them to live without discrimination.
    Abubaker Amry, who has lived in Cincinnati, Ohio for nearly four decades, said he and his neighbours do not interact much beyond a cordial "Hello," so the note someone left him, came as a surprise.
    So the day 70-year-old Donald Trump was sworn into office, one of his neighbours in Westwood left this in his mailbox, "Dear Neighbours, today begins a new stage for our country. No matter what happens, please know there are still a lot of people who will fight for your right to practice your religion, to continue your lives without discrimination. You are welcome in our neighborhood and if you need anything - please knock on our door," a CNN affiliate WCPO reported.
    "My daughter, she doesn't know any other place" and like many Muslim Americans, says he grew worried by President Trump's rhetoric during the heat of a campaign. We don't know if he's just saying that ... or if it'll be true," Amry said.
    "It's a lot," Amry said. "I mean, there's no way I could express my feelings when I got that note." Amry said the act of kindness has changed his mind a lot.
    "Even when I was driving the next day to my work, I looked at the people on the street totally different," he added.
    Amry's niece, tweeted a photo of the note, which quickly went viral.
    "This is the other side of America," Amry said. "This is the best, best, best experience."
    Following Donald Trump's inauguration, plenty of American citizens are unsure what the future holds, especially those that are Muslim. 

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