We don't have girls in the Army, We have soldiers who happen to be female. Watch their life at borders!
An alleged scandal about Qatari princess which Financial Times, a British publication reported has been termed 'fake'.
"We took away the headphone jack. And then we took away everything else. It may look like nothing is in this packaging. But that's what's so beautiful about it."
The findings are based on a study by University of Pittsburgh researchers who spoke to 39 women about how their sex lives changed with age, Daily Mail reported on Thursday.
Graham Smith, an engineer from Lancashire, England, was recently in the news for performing surgery on himself to remove eight millimeters of stitches left by surgeons inside his body years ago, after operations to correct it were cancelled twice.
Nobel Prizes cannot be revoked, so the judges must put a lot of thought into their selections for the six awards, which will be announced in the next two weeks.
Britain's Princess Charlotte, 1, spoke for the first time in public on Thursday during her family's Canadian tour, uttering the word "pop" while she and her brother played with balloons.