We don't have girls in the Army, We have soldiers who happen to be female. Watch their life at borders!
Arvind Kejriwal Has Slammed Modi For Letting His 96-year-old Mother Stand In Queue To Exchange Currency Notes.
LOS ANGELES — Tinder has started giving users the option to select a gender other than man or woman.
CALGARY — The Jamaican bobsled team now has a reliable set of wheels to get from Calgary to its next race.
For the last couple of years, the two have been inseparable, doing everything together, from watching TV to going to the gym.
According to NASA, the so-called 'supermoon' will be the closest full moon to earth since 1948, and it won't be as close again until 203
OTTAWA — The Canadian Automobile Association is lobbying for a government-funded public education program to warn of the dangers of cannabis-impaired driving before Canada legalizes recreational pot.