We don't have girls in the Army, We have soldiers who happen to be female. Watch their life at borders!
Located at Queen Street in Brampton, in Southern Ontario, the Khazana restaurant is set for a two-day grand launch from November 2.
If your partner has sex with someone else, it is considered infidelity even if no emotions are involved.
The study by researchers at the University of Manitoba also suggests that being in the three-year program helped women regain their children in the long run.
The findings have been published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
An Ottawa veterinarian is preparing to fly in a dog from Nicaragua to perform snout-saving surgery.
It was going to be an awesome party with MIKA SINGH & his group but the sheer number of his fans thronging various venues surprised and shocked the local promoters and even Mika as well as he started his Canadian tour last weekend.