We don't have girls in the Army, We have soldiers who happen to be female. Watch their life at borders!
After the matriarch died last year, a vicious battle erupted among the female baboons at the Toronto Zoo for her throne that endured for months, prompting a brief closure of the exhibit and providing a fascinating glimpse into the animals' behaviour.
As more and more educated youngsters of Agra flee to greener pastures, the Taj city is becoming a haven for retirees, who find the slow pace of life here in tune with their ageing rhythm.
WASHINGTON — Michelle Obama's message for high school seniors fretting about their college prospects is simple.
Quebec's health and justice ministers are saying they will forge ahead with the province's right-to-die law despite a request from Ottawa to put it on hold.
NEW YORK — If the beginning of the holiday season is any indication, it could be a merry mobile Christmas for shoppers.
NEW YORK — If the beginning of the holiday season is any indication, it could be a merry mobile Christmas for shoppers.