We don't have girls in the Army, We have soldiers who happen to be female. Watch their life at borders!
University of New Brunswick kinesiology professor Martin Senechal has begun a study on a recently discovered hormone released by muscles during exercise.
If you're renting a vacation house with extended family this summer and trying to figure out ways to bring a large group with different ages together, consider planning some fun theme nights. Here are 10 ideas.
The small nurse shark, which was about 2ft long, was killed by a beachgoer soon after the attack.
Liberte Chan was handed a sweater during KTLA-TV's Saturday's morning news by a co-host who said the station was "getting a lot of emails."
So it was far from ordinary when 16 black women put their own spin on the traditional graduation photo, hoisting their fists in the air while posing in their dress uniforms, swords at their sides.
Working memory is used throughout our lifespan. By improving it, we may be able to realise gains in key areas, from school to work to retirement.