Sunday, July 7, 2024

Is that a 'traffic signal' on Mars?

Darpan News Desk Darpan, 26 Sep, 2014 04:06 PM
    Are aliens using traffic signal to cross roads on Red Planet? Fun apart, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has clicked a picture on the Martian surface that resembles a “traffic signal”.
    The “traffic signal” was spotted by a British UFO enthusiast named Joseph White.
    Curiosity, while busy scanning the surface, snapped the photo.
    “I have been following the images from NASA since the start and I flick through them on the NASA website every day," White told the Western Daily Press.
    "I saw this one and I thought 'Hang on, that looks a bit strange,” he added.
    As we wait for NASA reply, in all probability, it looks like another rock, the report added.

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