It also works as an anti-inflammatory agent and has high antioxidant properties, similar to fermented foods, and counters the oxidants stemming from external factors such as air pollution that can damage our internal organs.
Did you know that your favourite chocolate brands like Nestle, Lindt, Toblerone are all Swiss? In 1887, after many attempts, the Swiss chocolatier Daniel Peter, created the original formula for what was to become the first successful milk chocolate in the entire world.
Being Punjabi ran in the feature gallery October 2, 2019 to February 23, 2020. It was the first exhibition in Canada to highlight Surrey’s Punjabi community, showcasing stories of both struggle and success.
It’s the latest milestone in the rapid rise of oat milk, which is winning consumers __ and famous investors like Oprah Winfrey __ with the message that it’s healthier and more environmentally sustainable than cow’s milk.