Pregnant women should control lust, hang “beautiful” pictures on the wall and shun non-vegetarian food if they wish to have a healthy baby, a booklet released by the government’s AYUSH Ministry says.
Cambridge University academics are being told to avoid using words like "genius", "flair" and "brilliance" when assessing students' work because they are associated with men and "carry assumptions of gender inequality", according to a varsity lecturer.
For developing playwrights, Shakespeare's work is incredibly instructive – how he imbeds action in the lines, his over all play structure, his use of dramatic irony, etc. It's all there and no one has ever surpassed him.
The pictures of the 12-year-old girl helping to deliver her baby brother were shared by a Facebook user Nikki Smith on June 8, and since then they have been breaking the Internet.
Madrid authorities started putting up signs banning the practice of ‘manspreading’ — opening one’s legs so wide you invade other’s seating space —on city buses as part of their new etiquette guidelines.