Union minister Smriti Irani today paid Rs. 100 to a cobbler in Coimbatore for getting her slippers repaired and the latter, who had demanded only Rs. 10 for the job, happily put in additional stitches on it with the incident going viral on the social media.
The Union Textile Minister's slipper strap had snapped as she got down from a flight to address a session at Isha Foundation in Coimbatore, BJP sources said.
She was looking for a cobbler and found one near Perur, around 16 km from the airport, on her way to Isha Foundation.
Ms Irani, along with Tamil Nadu BJP general secretary Vanathi Srinivasan, got off the vehicle. She handed over the slipper to the cobbler and sat on a stool.
The cobbler asked for Rs. 10 for the stitching job. Ms Irani placed a Rs. 100 currency note near his cash box and said, "Change venda (change not needed)," repeating what Ms Vanathi told her.
The cobbler put in a few additional stitches on the Union minister's slipper.
The incident has gone viral on the social media with the netizens appreciating Ms Irani's gesture.