The RBI on Tuesday said it would soon issue a new series of Rs 100 banknotes in the Mahatma Gandhi Series-2005, without inset letter in both the numbering panels.
The new notes will bear the signature of RBI Governor Dr Urjit Patel and the year of printing ‘2016’ on the reverse of the banknote.
The design of these banknotes to be issued now is similar in all respects to the Rs 100 banknotes in Mahatma Gandhi Series- 2005 issued earlier having ascending size of numerals in the number panels, bleed lines, and enlarged identification mark, on the obverse.
All the banknotes in the denomination of Rs 100 issued by the Bank in the past will continue to be legal tender.
This came after the Bank decided to issue new currency notes of Rs 20 and Rs 50 denominations with numerals in ascending size in the number panels and without intaglio printing.
The decision to replace the smaller denomination currency notes of Rs.50 and Rs.100, incorporating new features and design was taken after the government demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes last month.
Secretary, Economic Affairs, Shaktikanta Das had said that the new currency notes will be infused gradually in the system and the old series notes will be phased out.