In a shocking incident, a woman in Rajasthan has alleged that she was harassed, beaten-up, raped and was tattooed with abuses including "Mera baap chor hai" (my father is a thief) on her forehead for not bringing enough dowry, police said on Monday.
The woman, who is in her late 20s and a resident of Amber near here, in a report filed with police, alleged that abuses or expletives were also been tattooed on her body including hands and she was raped by two persons from her in-law's side.
She said her ordeal began after her marriage to Jagannath of Reni village in Alwar district about two years back. Soon after marriage, she was beaten up and harassed for not bringing dowry. Her in-laws were demanding Rs 51,000 as dowry, but her family was not able to arrange the money.
"Trouble for my daughter started after six months she got married. She tried to tolerate it for some months. But when it became unbearable for her, she called me. After seeing her condition I was shocked to see that her in-laws had tattooed expletives or abuses on various parts of her body. I brought my daughter to my house and tried to rub tattoos from her body including her forehead," said her father Dinaram.
As of now, except for tattoo marks and couple of words, not much is clear.
"We have registered a case against the in-laws of the woman and started investigations into the complaint," an official of Amber police station told IANS.
"As tattoos have now been removed except for marks, the words are not fully visible," the official said.