Sunday, July 7, 2024

Mumbai Policeman, Shot By Junior, Dies

Darpan News Desk IANS, 03 May, 2015 01:04 AM
    The head of Vakola police station who was shot at and critically injured by his junior on Saturday night, succumbed to his injuries on Sunday, an official here said.
    Vilas Joshi, 53, the senior inspector of police of Vakola in Santacruz east suburb, Mumbai, was shot at by assistant sub-inspector Dilip Shirke with his service revolver following a brawl over absenteeism.
    Joshi had sustained three bullet injuries in his back and abdomen. 
    Shirke then shot at Joshi's orderly, Babasaheb Aher, in the thigh. Before other policemen could react, Shirke turned the gun and also shot himself dead. 
    Joshi was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in Bandra but he succumbed to the bullet injuries in his abdomen early today (Sunday), police spokesperson DCP Dhananjay Kulkarni told IANS.
    Aher is undergoing treatment and is out of danger now.


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