The law and order situation is deteriorating in the national capital, Delhi Police crime figures for the first seven months of 2015 indicate.
In fact, the number of cases recorded (106,422) breaks a 15-year record for the months of January to July. But police says the data does not indicate “the city is becoming more dangerous”.
The number of snatching, robbery and rape cases registered by Delhi Police have witnessed an increase over the figures for the corresponding period last year. Police data shows a 35 percent, 28 percent and two percent increase in the number of snatching, robbery and rape cases over the last year's figures for January 1 to July 31.
When contacted, senior Delhi Police officers refused to comment, but asserted off-the-record that it was the police's proactive approach in registering criminal cases that was behind the spurt in numbers and not any real increase in crime.
"The data does not indicate that the city is becoming more dangerous. More victims are encouraged to register criminal cases because of the police's positive attitude," a Delhi Police officer told IANS, requesting anonymity.
"The image of police has changed. Now people do not hesitate to approach police stations and we register each and every case. That is why the numbers of cases are on the rise in Delhi," he said.
A total of 106,422 cases were registered in Delhi between January 1 and July 31 as compared to 84,472 cases in the corresponding period in 2014.
Of this, the number of heinous crimes registered in the city was 6,345, about 900 more than the cases registered in the same period in 2014.

The capital reported 5,532 snatchings, 4,219 robberies and 1,222 rapes in 2015 compared to 4,078 snatchings, 3,291 robberies and 1,196 rapes in the corresponding period of 2014.
Attempt to murder with 431 cases, incidents of riot with 71 cases, murder with 325 cases, dacoity with 52 cases and kidnapping for ransom with 25 cases are the other five general crimes which belie the Delhi Police's claims of making Delhi safer for its citizens.
In 2013, the city had registered 4,159 heinous crimes while the number of such cases registered in 2012 was 2,402. The city had registered 2,171 cases in 2011 and 2,085 in 2010.
A total of 2,027 cases of heinous crime were registered in 2009 compared to 2,069 cases registered in 2008.
There was a slight soar in such crimes registered in 2007 with 2,325 cases and 2,283 cases registered in 2006.
A total of 2,210 such cases were registered in 2005 and in 2004 it was noted 2,137. In 2003, 2002, and 2001 the number of heinous crime was 1,960, 2,094 and 2,316 respectively.