Opposition party in Punjab, the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) on Monday described the proposed move to ban the entry of Indian officials in gurdwaras in UK as unfortunate and said nobody can stop anybody from entering the 'Guru ghar' for paying obeisance.
“It is a very unfortunate what they (Sikh groups) had done. Guru ghar is open for all,” SAD chief Sukhbir Badal said while addressing the media here today.
“Going to a Guru Ghar (House of the Guru), nobody can stop anybody. We are very clear on it... I do not agree what their statements are,” he said.
A Sikh group in the UK had said it wanted to ban Indian officials from entering gurdwaras, alleging that they were "interfering" in the internal matters of the Sikh community.
"Sikhs in the diaspora are fed up with Indian government officials and their agents increasingly interfering in our institutions and Sikh affairs, undermining of Sikh campaigns for greater rights and internal matters," Amrik Singh, the Chair of the Sikh Federation (UK), had earlier said in London.