The quaint village of Marora which had hit headlines for being “renamed” after Donald Trump by a toilet charity, Sulabh International, few days ago received a rude shock on Tuesday when the administration pulled down the billboard and portraits of the US President.
Questioning the authority of the NGO for changing the name of the village, the local administration repainted the recently-erected signboards which had caught media attention.
“No NGO or social organisation has the right to rename a village. This name is identity of village in records be it revenue, maps or other government data and it can be renamed only by the government through set procedures. They are free to call it by any name in their promotional campaign but have no authority to erect new signboards,” Mewat DC Mani Ram Sharma said.

The exercise carried out by administration late evening shocked the villagers as well as social activists who were aiming to generate development funds for village through their initiative.
The villagers have now decided to approach Prime Minister Narendra Modi against the administration’s move when he returns from three-nation tour, including US. Sulabh International has so far not issued any statement, but a local representative said the move was aimed at promoting the use of toilets in Mewat and the administration’s action will not deter them.